Michalakis Estate

Our winery is situated within the estate, at its highest point and it is surrounded by the vineyards.
A production and storage capacity of 6.000 tons of super modern technological equipment (temperature control system, inert environment creation, automation of the distribution of grapes and must, static settling with refrigeration, cleaning ect).
A modern bottling line of a capacity of 2.500 bottles per hour, with Deox (the use of inner gas in the bottle to prevent oxidation) is used, to ensure the quality of the final product in the bottle.
A modern quality control laboratory ensures with daily checks the most perfect result and gives us the ability to control and track our wines.
This system is supported on an ongoing annual basis by trained personnel which constitutes of 4 enologists and 2 enologists in addition during the period of harvest.
Our competitive advantages
- Brand New “High –Tech” WINERY, located in the center of the Estate in the heart of the island of CRETE.
- 45 Hectares PRIVATELY OWNED ESTATE VINEYARDS at an altitude of 600 meters.
- 40 Hectares PRIVATELY OWNED VINEYARDS of the Medieval Monastery of SAINT GEORGE, one of the Oldest Cretan Monasteries (14th Century AD)
- 100 Hectares of Co-operating Vineyards
- 14 Local & International Grape Varieties
Foundation of the company «George Michalakis Sons G.P» This resulted in today’s vinicultures and winemaking activities.
With machines and equipment included in the family’s museum collection, the red wine “Palaios Michalakis” is bottled for the first and so is the «Lato» wine collection.
The company’s legal statue changes; it is converted into a ‘Societe Anonyme’ with the company name «Michalakis Brothers S.A.» and it is relocated to new facilities. Today a modern network of distribution and storage of 6000m2 operates in the establishment.
Foundation of the “Emmanouel Michalakis S.A.” subsidiary while in 2003 the new family winery is built, within the 400 decares of the unified privately owned estate. Traditional Cretan as well as international contemporary varieties are cultivated in the vineyards of this new estate.
Our vision is to offer high quality wines, aiming at the emergence of the new Cretan vineyard to the global wine scene, to support those who wish to enhance their range of products and services in highly competitive markets.
Our winery is flexible in creating wines covering specific need of our clients. We also have the biggest market share of all the privately owned wineries in Crete. At the same time we are the biggest Domain in Crete and one of the biggest in Greece with privately owned vineyards and winery in the Estate.
Upon request